As the lockdown restrictions ease many of my fellow reflexologists have returned to work. Reading through the comments on reflexology forums there are those who are eager and raring to go, some who are remaining closed and others who are reopening with some trepidation and fear. There have been questions galore, mixed messages and the occasional heated discussion as we all try to find our feet (pun intended) and wade through the various guidelines provided by our insurers, associations, and government publications.
Personally, I am remaining closed until Monday 28th September. This is not due to fear of the dreaded C word (and no, I do not mean Christmas!) but for a variety of reasons….
As the guidelines shift and change, I want to be sure I provide the best possible facilities for the safety and comfort of myself and my clients with limited impact on Mother Earth. Currently there is lots of talk of visors, masks, disposable this, throw away that and treatment rooms that are less relaxing and more clinical. As someone who aims to live in harmony with nature, I am waiting for the guidelines to settle rather than rush to fill my space with non-recyclable plastics and harmful chemicals.
My treatment room is set up to provide a relaxing and comforting space for my clients where they can feel supported and comfortable. There are cosy blankets and soft pillows which currently under the guidelines are to be avoided and replaced with plastic covered pillows and physio roll. It’s a no from me.
Another reason is currently my house is a bit chaotic! Both of our daughters are home from university and our little home is full of boxes and bags – the contents of two student rooms and kitchens. Whilst I am comfortable in a lived in home the additional belongings are not conducive to relaxation and calm.
Delaying opening was a hard decision for me. I had moments of guilt, feelings of self-inflicted pressure and stress. But how can I guide my clients to take care of their stress levels, be true to themselves and find their own pace if I am not going to practice what I preach?
So, come 28th September my room will be ready and waiting as will I. Refreshed, renewed, and looking forward to seeing you.
